divendres, 28 de setembre del 2018

Two weeks in Edinburg

English for teachers: Methodology and Language Development course

The course was intended for non-native English teachers who wished to refresh their own language skills and examine different teaching methods and approaches. This course included 20 lessons and afternoon programme per week and provided opportunities for teachers to discuss and share ideas with colleagues from Europe and beyond.

We arrived to the CES school  the second of July. Our team was made up of a group of twelve teachers around Europe: Iwona and Katarzyna coming from Poland, Dana, Hanna, Sarka and Ulrich coming from the Czech republic, Alfred and Gernot coming from Austria, Gustavo coming from León, Núria and Estrella coming from Catalonia and the most important one, our teacher Richard, an authentic English man.

The content of the course was:

- Qualities of an “expert teacher”.
- Small talks.
- Pronunciation. Tricky sounds. Schwa.
- The 6As : Agency, authenticity, affect, activity, adaptability, attitude. 
- Telling a story. Cuisenaire Rods.
- Use of props.
- Digital devices.
- Teaching unplugged.
- English teaching/learning throughout the history
- Task based learning
- The Hots and Lots

In the afternoons Richard offered us Scottish culture sessions and phonology classes. We talked about language, history, music, films and Scottish traditions in general. That helped us to understand the Scottish culture and mindset. We discovered too that even doing phonology is possible to have fun if you meet the right teacher.

Thanks Richard, thanks team and thanks to the Erasmus project for making it possible.

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